Author: Michael Friedlander

Leah Edelstein-Keshet Prize

Please join me in congratulating Leah Keshet in the Mathematics Department and long time supporter of the IAM. The Leah Edelstein-Keshet Prize of the Society for Mathematical Biology will recognize the exceptional scientific contributions made by a woman in Read More

IAM member, Michael Doebeli, wins a Guggenheim fellowship

The citation describes Michael as “one of the foremost mathematical evolutionary biologists in the world. He is the main authority for theory on the evolution of organismal diversity.” More details can be found at Read More

IAM member, Dong Li, wins the Coxeter-James prize

This is the early career award for the Canadian Mathematics Society. The citation describes him as “one of the top young researchers working the broad area of Analysis and Partial Differential Equations.” More details can be found at Read More

The 2014 CAIMS Research Award

Professor Michael Doebeli has been awarded the 2014 CAIMS Research Prize.  From the citation:   “CAIMS*SCMAI is pleased to announce the winner of the 2014 CAIMS*SCMAI Research Award. This is the society’s preeminent research award and recognizes innovative and exceptional Read More