First NameLast NameDepartmentEmailResearch Areas
AhmetAlacaogluMathematicsalacaoglu@math.ubc.caContinuous optimization; machine learning; stochastic algorithms; min-max games; variational inequalities; monotone operator theory
SusanAllenEarth and Ocean Sciencessallen@eos.ubc.caModelling the underlying fluid dynamical structures in the ocean using idealized numerical models, laboratory experiments, and mathematical analysis
AliAmeliEarth and Ocean Sciencesaameli@eoas.ubc.caGroundwater, ecohydrology; hydro-geological engineering; watershed management; applied hydro-geochemistry; groundwater-surfacewater and land interaction; green infrastructure
RichardAnsteeMathematicsanstee@math.ubc.caDiscrete mathematics; extremal set theory; graph theory; matching theory
UriAscherComputer Scienceascher@cs.ubc.caScientific computation, particularly involving differential equations with constraints; data inversion in geophysics, 3D electromagnetic simulations; modeling and simulation for physical systems in virtual environments
PhilAustinEarth and Ocean Sciencespaustin@eos.ubc.caCloud physics; understanding the processes that determine the radiative properties of layer clouds; formation, lifetime and dissipation of stratus and cirrus clouds; influence of clouds on the global climate
MattiaBaccaMechanical Engineeringmattia.bacca@mech.ubc.caMechanics across scales viruses, cells, and tissue. Puncture mechanics, cutting, hydrogels, cytoskeleton, active matter, lipid membranes, protein transport.
SvenBachmannMathematicssbach@math.ubc.caDifferential geometry; mathematical physics; PDE (DG-MP-PDE)
SusanBaldwinChemical and Biological Engineeringsue.baldwin@ubc.caBioprocess engineering and modelling of physiological processes
NeilBalmforthMathematicsnjb@math.ubc.caGeophysical and astrophysical fluid mechanics
MartinBarlowMathematicsbarlow@math.ubc.caProbability theory, fractal sets; cluster growth models, in particular diffusion limited aggregation (DLA)
RogerBeckieEarth and Ocean Sciencesrbeckie@eos.ubc.caThe role of scale in site characterization and modeling of groundwater systems
GeorgeBlumanMathematicsbluman@math.ubc.caSimilarity and perturbation methods, Stefan problems
DavidBrydgesMathematicsdb5d@math.ubc.caStatistical mechanics, quantum field theory, functional integration, probability
W. KendalBusheMechanical Engineeringwkb@mech.ubc.caCombustion, turbulence, numerical simulation, computational fluid dynamics, IC engines, thermal power generation
YankaiCaoChemical and Biological Engineeringyankai.cao@ubc.caDesign and implementation of large-scale local and global optimization algorithms
MattChoptuikPhysics and Astronomychoptuik@physics.ubc.caNumerical relativity
JamesCollianderMathematicscolliand@math.ubc.caPartial differential equations using tools from harmonic analysis and dynamical systems
AnneCondonComputer Sciencecondon@cs.ubc.caComputational complexity theory and biomolecular computing, biomolecular computation
DanielCoombsMathematicscoombs@math.ubc.caMathematical biology: cell signaling
ElizabethCroftMechanical Engineeringecroft@mech.ubc.caRobotics; high level planning and control; sensor integration and artificial intelligence applications to robotics, machine vision, industrial automation, and computer-integrated manufacturing
EricCytrynbaumMathematicscytryn@math.ubc.caMathematical biology: cell biology, cardiac electrophysiology
KhanhDao DucMathematicskdd@math.ubc.caMolecular and cell biology; gene expression; cryo-EM microscopy; biological shape and image analysis; machine learning; applied stochastic processes
MichaelDoebeliZoologydoebeli@math.ubc.caTheoretical ecology and evolution; integration of ecological and population genetic modeling approaches; ecology and evolution of spatially structured populations
RogerDonaldsonMathematicsrdonald@math.ubc.caIndustrial Mathematics
IvarEkelandMathematicsekeland@math.ubc.caMathematical finance: demand theory, contract theory, hedonic models
GwynnElfringMechanical Engineeringgelfring@mech.ubc.caTheoretical Fluid Mechanics, Complex Fluids, Cell Biomechanics, Capillary Phenomena, Applied Mathematics
JimmyFengMathematicsjames.feng@ubc.caFluid dynamics and rheology of complex fluids
MichaelFriedlanderComputer Science, Mathematicsmpf@cs.ubc.caNumerical optimization, numerical linear algebra, design and implementation of algorithms for constrained optimization, scientific computing
JoelFriedmanComputer Sciencejf@cs.ubc.caLaplacians, eigenvalues, and expansion, primarily on graphs; explicit construction questions, primarily from theoretical computer science
IanFrigaardMechanical Engineering, Mathematicsfrigaard@math.ubc.caNon-Newtonian fluid mechanics, visco-plastic fluids, non-Darcy flows with limiting pressure gradients, mathematical modelling of metal sprayforming
RichardFroeseMathematicsrfroese@math.ubc.caMathematical physics, spectral and scattering theory of Schrödinger operators and Laplacians resonances
NassifGhoussoubMathematicsnassif@math.ubc.caNonlinear analysis and partial differential equations
BhushanGopaluniChemical and Biological Engineeringbhushan.gopaluni@ubc.caProcess modelling and control with applications to oil and gas industry, biomedical engineering, and pulp and paper industry
SheldonGreenMechanical Engineeringgreen@mech.ubc.caFluid dynamics: twin wire blade forming, pulp fibre separation, cavitation, marine propellers, wing tip vortices; biomechanics: blood vessel dynamics, glaucoma
ChenGreifComputer Sciencegreif@cs.ubc.caScientific computing, numerical linear algebra
EldadHaberEarth and Ocean Sciencesehaber@eoas.ubc.caScientific computing in geophysical and medical imaging
NickHarveyComputer Sciencenickhar@cs.ubc.caCombinatorial optimization, discrete algorithms and randomized algorithms
ChristophHauertMathematicschristoph.hauert@math.ubc.caEvolutionary game theory in structured populations
NancyHeckmanStatisticsnancy@stat.ubc.caFunctional data analysis, applications in evolutionary biology, nonparametric regression, shapes of regression function
MirandaHolmes-CerfonMathematicsholmescerfon@math.ubc.caStochastic analysis; computational statistical mechanics; multiscale methods; computational geometry; rigidity theory; applications in a variety of physical and biological systems, including materials science, soft-matter physics, fluid dynamics, and ecology
RajeevJaimanMechanical Engineeringrjaiman@mech.ubc.caFluid-structure interaction; computational methods and numerical analysis; data-driven computing; model order reduction; bluff-body flows and flow-induced vibration; flow control and drag reduction; multiphase flows
MarkJellinekEarth and Ocean Sciencesmjellinek@eos.ubc.caApplication of experimental and theoretical fluid dynamics and field and laboratory observations to the understanding of the formation and thermal evolution and differentiation of planets
HarryJoeStatisticsharry.joe@ubc.caMultivariate models and dependence, extreme value inference, statistical computing, random utility models
CyrilleKenneMathematicskenne@math.ubc.caMathematical biology; multiscale modelling of infectious diseases; partial differential equations - nonlocal equations; optimal control theory
LeahKeshetMathematicskeshet@math.ubc.caMathematical biology: dynamics of actin filaments in the cytoskeleton, swarming behaviour, type 1 diabetes
DavidKirkpatrickComputer Sciencekirk@cs.ubc.caComputational complexity, combinatorial algorithms, computational geometry, parallel and distributed computation
MarysaLaguëGeographymlague@mail.ubc.caLand-atmosphere interactions; modelling how land-surface properties affect energy and water fluxes to the atmosphere, and how those flux changes affect atmospheric dynamics and climate
LutzLampeElectrical and Computer Engineeringlampe@ece.ubc.caTheory and application of radio frequency and optical wireless, power line, optical fiber and underwater acoustic communications; smart grid communications
GregLawrenceCivil Engineeringlawrence@civil.ubc.caEnvironmental fluid mechanics, hydraulics, hydrodynamic stability and mixing, physical limnology, water quality management
JiajinLiSauder School of optimization; design and analysis of optimization algorithms; machine learning
Yue-XianLiMathematicsyxli@math.ubc.caCalcium signalling in neuroendocrine cells, fertilization calcium waves in oocytes, synchrony in neuroendocrine cells and rhythmogenesis in hormonal signals
DominicLiao-McPhersonMechanical Engineeringdliaomcp@mech.ubc.caAlgorithmic control; optimization, control, and computing; predictive and constrained control; multi-agent systems; algorithmic game theory; real-time, embedded, and distributed optimization; energy systems, manufacturing, and robotics
PhilipLoewenMathematics loew@math.ubc.caCalculus of variations, optimal control theory, nonsmooth analysis, mathematical programming
ColinMacdonaldMathematicscbm@math.ubc.caThe Closest Point Method, Time-stepping for PDEs, WENO spatial discretizations, the Predicted Sequential Regularization Method
ManuMadhavBiomedical Engineeringmanu.madhav@ubc.caNeural systems and behaviour; quantifying algorithms of neural computation; flexible neural encoding electrophysiology; virtual reality; early detection of Alzheimer’s and other dementias
BrianMarcusMathematicsmarcus@math.ubc.caCoding and information theory, symbolic dynamics, ergodic theory and dynamical systems
VadimMarmerEconomicsvadim.marmer@ubc.caEconometrics (estimation and inference for auctions, weak identification, misspecification, non-stationary time series, and inference with network-dependent data)
MarkMartinezChemical and Biological Engineeringmark.martinez@ubc.caHydrodynamics and heat transfer in paper machines
IanMitchellComputer Scienceian.mitchell@ubc.caPDE methods for control, level set methods, hybrid and embedded systems, verification, mathematical software
WayneNagataMathematicsnagata@math.ubc.caDynamical systems, especially bifurcation theory and applications
MichaelNovakLand and Food Systemsmichael.novak@ubc.caThe energy and mass-flow interactions between the soil and the lower atmosphere, and the ways that these are affected by surface modifications such as covering the soil with a mulch
DougOldenburgEarth and Ocean Sciencesdoug@eos.ubc.caDevelopment of rigorous and approximate methods to invert geophysical data and to apply those techniques to solve practical problems
CarlOllivier-GoochMechanical Engineeringcfog@mech.ubc.caCreating a general framework for solving PDEs on unstructured meshes, and unstructured mesh generation; application areas of particular interest include computational fluid dynamics, external aerodynamics, and aerodynamic/hydrodynamic optimization Numerical analysis of molecular simulation, coarse-graining via machine learning, atomistic and electronic structure multi-scale methods, materials modelling, crystals and defects, solid mechanics, PDEs
IpekOrucOphthalmology and Visual Sciencesipor@mail.ubc.caVisual cognitive neuroscience
SallyOttoZoologyotto@zoology.ubc.caPopulation genetics and evolutionary biology
JosephPaatSauder School of Businessjoseph.paat@sauder.ubc.caMixed integer programming; combinatorial optimization
DineshPaiComputer Sciencepai@cs.ubc.caRobotics, graphics, modeling, and simulation; Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems (IRIS)
MarcParlangeCivil EngineeringMarc...@ubc.caWater Resources; Atmospheric Boundary Layer; Wind engineering; Evaporation; Turbulence; Large Eddy Simulation; Soil and snow physics; Environmental wireless sensor networks; Watershed and eco-hydrology; Lidar.
AnthonyPeirceMathematicspeirce@math.ubc.caAsymptotic and numerical methods, modeling fracture processes in rocks, reactive flows in porous media, control of quantum molecular systems
EdPerkinsMathematicsperkins@math.ubc.caRandom processes which model the distribution of a population undergoing random migration and reproduction; Brownian motions and random walks on "fractals" and discrete graphs
JessePerlaEconomicsjesse.perla@ubc.caMacroeconomics, economic growth, and financial economics; high-dimensional economics and scientific machine learning.
A. Srikantha PhaniMechanical Engineeringsrikanth@mech.ubc.caDynamics of Multiscale Materials, Structures and Devices; Applied Mechanics; Micromechanics; MEMS and Biomedical Applications of Lattice Devices
YanivPlanMathematicsyanivplan@math.ubc.caApplied probability, high-dimensional inference, geometric functional analysis, random matrix theory, compressive sensing, matrix completion, and big data analysis

StevenPlotkinPhysics and Astronomysteve@physics.ubc.caDynamics and disorder in the theory of protein folding and function, genetic and phylogenetic networks, pattern formation and symmetry breaking in morphogenesis
MauricioPongaMechanical Engineeringmponga@mech.ubc.caMultiscale modeling of materials; temporal and spatial coarse grained molecular dynamics; coarse grained density functional theory; large scale computer simulations.
BabakPourbohloulMedicine, Complexity Science Labbabak.p@ubc.caModeling the transmission dynamics of infectious diseases, impact of different control strategies on disease dynamics, designing optimal public health policy
MartyPutermanSauder School of Businessmartin.puterman@sauder.ubc.caMarkov decision processes, statistical models for discrete data, applied statistics and forecasting
ValentinaRadicEarth and Ocean Sciencesvradic@eoas.ubc.caGlobal climate change: climate change impact studies, the contribution of glaciers to sea level rise, estimates of present and future glacier mass changes on regional and global scale, downscaling of global and regional climate models, and the evaluation of climate model performance.
NimalRajapakseMechanical Engineeringraja...@mech.ubc.caTheoretical and computational modelling of fracture and domain switching of ferroelectrics for applications in adaptive structures; computational modeling of superelastic behaviour and fatigue of shape memory alloys; SMA reinforced composites; computer-aided analysis of guyed towers and latticed towers
AndrewRechnitzerMathematicsandrewr@math.ubc.caRandom knotting; the combinatorics of lattice animals, polyominoes and self-avoiding walks; exact solutions, series expansions and simulations of such objects; the relationships between these objects and chemical and physical models; kettle arithmetic.
RosemaryRedfieldZoologyredfield@zoology.ubc.caStudy of molecular signals that induce DNA uptake, examination of earliest precursors of real meiotic sex in eukaryotes, mathematical analysis and computer-simulation modelling
ElinaRobevaMathematicserobeva@math.ubc.caMathematical statistics, machine learning, combinatorics, multilinear algebra, and applied algebraic geometry.
ChrisRyanSauder School of Businesschris.ryan@sauder.ubc.caOptimization (discrete and infinite-dimensional), design (contract, market, information), learning (statistical, organizational)
TimSalcudeanElectrical and Computer Engineeringtims@ece.ubc.caRobotics and teleoperation; design, modelling and control of electro-mechanical devices; optimization-based CAD of control systems
GarySchajerMechanical Engineeringschajer@mech.ubc.caAppropriate use of renewable resources, advanced processes for grading lumber, dynamics and stability of circular and band saws, computational methods for residual stress analysis
GeoffreySchiebingerMathematicsgeoff@math.ubc.caDevelopmental stochastic processes, single cell analysis, optimal transport.
ChristianSchoofEarth and Ocean Sciencescschoof@eos.ubc.caNon-Newtonian fluid dynamics in geophysics, ice sheet dynamics
GordonSemenoffPhysics and Astronomygordonws@phas.ubc.caSuperstring theory, quantum field theory, statistical mechanics, elementary particle physics; gauge field theories, large N limits, effective string theories of confinement; conformal field theory, renormalization theory and the conformal bootstrap; chiral symmetry breaking by strongly coupled gauge theories
BrianSeymourMathematicsseymour@math.ubc.caLinear and nonlinear wave propagation, fluid mechanics, elasticity, acoustics, meteorology
AllaShefferComputer Sciencesheffa@cs.ubc.caDigital geometry processing, parameterization of mesh surfaces
BruceShepherdComputer Sciencefbrucesh@cs.ubc.caAlgorithms, optimization
GordonSladeMathematicsslade@math.ubc.caProbability theory and statistical mechanics
JozsefSolymosiMathematicssolymosi@math.ubc.caCombinatorics, Graph Theory, Discrete Geometry, and Combinatorial Number Theory
SimchaSrebnikChemical and Biological Engineeringsimcha.srebnik@ubc.caStatistical thermodynamic simulations and theory applied to polymers and biological systems
DouwSteynEarth and Ocean Sciencesdsteyn@eoas.ubc.caObservational studies and mathematical modelling of micro- and mesoscale flow and turbulence phenomena in the atmospheric boundary layer; atmospheric pollution
NicholasSwindaleOphthalmology and Visual Sciencesswindale@mail.ubc.caPattern formation and visual cortex models
MarkThachukChemistrythachuk@chem.ubc.caDynamics of chemical reactions/processes using mathematical and computational techniques [selected publications]
ChristosThrampoulidisElectrical and Computer Engineeringcthrampo@ece.ubc.caStatistical signal processing, machine learning, high-dimensional statistics, optimization
Stephanievan WilligenburgMathematicssteph@math.ubc.caCoxeter group, representation theory, graded operation on posets, quasisymmetric function, Schur function, Schur P function, Macdonald polynomial
RezaVaziriCivil Engineeringreza.vaziri@ubc.caMechanics of composite materials, impact dynamics, nonlinear finite element analysis, constitutive modelling of materials, plasticity, damage mechanics, numerical studies in impact and processing of fibre-reinforced composite structures
AnthonyWachsMathematicswachs@math.ubc.caNon-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Multiphase Flows and High Performance Computing
DaochenWangComputer Sciencewdaochen@cs.ubc.caQuantum computation and quantum information
LeleWangElectrical and Computer Engineeringlelewang@ece.ubc.caInformation theory; coding theory; high dimensional statistics; random graphs; machine learning
Yan AlexanderWangChemistryyawang@chem.ubc.caQuantum chemistry, ab initio methods, density-functional theory, computational chemistry, computational chemical biology
MichaelWardMathematicsward@math.ubc.caApplied analysis, singular perturbations, mathematical modeling and scientific computation
Jun-ChengWeiMathematicsjcwei@math.ubc.caNonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Semilinear Elliptic Equations, Applied Analysis, Mathematical Biology, Singular Perturbation Problems, Phase Transition
BrianWettonMathematicswetton@math.ubc.caNumerical analysis of finite difference methods with applications to computational fluid dynamics, particularly to incompressible flow, and to interface problems
MichaelWhitlockZoologywhitlock@zoology.ubc.caEvolution in structured populations: What are the forces that control the nature and distribution of genotypes in subdivided populations? How does this affect the outcome of other evolutionary processes? These and other questions are addressed in a variety of ways, from theoretical analyses to experimental lab model systems to field research
MatthewYedlinElectrical and Computer Engineeringmatty@ece.ubc.caAcoustic wave propagation; applied digital signal processing
ÖzgürYilmazMathematicsoyilmaz@math.ubc.caApplied harmonic analysis; wavelets, signal processing; information theory
BrunoZumboEducational and Counselling Psychologybruno.zumbo@ubc.caStatistical theory and quantitative methods for conducting research, testing, and evaluation