The IAM Library is located in Room 306 of the Leonard S. Klinck Building (IAM Lounge).  The books are for the exclusive use of the IAM members. If you take a book off the shelf, sign the sheet posted in the Lounge to let others know. The list below is ordered alphabetically by title.

NUMM025Accuracy and Stability of Numerical AlgorithmsHigham N. J.
CALC050Advanced Engineering Mathematics (2nd Ed.)Kreyszig E.
PERT010Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and EngineersBender, C.M., Orszag, S.A.
MISC025Adventures of a MathematicianUlam S. M.
MAAN030Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers I: Asymptotic Methods and Perturbation TheoryBender C. M., Orszag S. A.
CALC075Advanced Mathematics for Engineers {Copy 1}Kaplan W.
CALC076Advanced Mathematics for Engineers {Copy 2}Kaplan W.
ALGB040Algebraic FunctionsBliss G. A.
MISC050Analog VLSI System for Stereoscopic Vision [An]Mahowald M.
ALGB075Applied Finite MathematicsAnton H., Kolman B.
CALC100Applied Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences (3rd Ed.)Barnett R. A., Ziegler M. R.
MAAN060Applied Mathematics: Principles, Techniques, and ApplicationsCochran, J.A.
STAT025Applied Statistical MethodsBurr I. W.
MAAN050Asymptotic Expansion of IntegralsBleistein N., Handelsman R. A.
PERT015Asymptotic ExpansionsErdelyi, A.
MAAN070Asymptotic Methods in AnalysisDe Bruijn N. G.
MAAN010Backlund Transformations and their ApplicationsRogers, C., Shadwick, W.F.
PHYS040Basic Space Plasma PhysicsBaumjohann W., Treumann R. A.
MBIO015Biophysical Plant Physiology and EcologyNobel P. S.
CALC150CalculusMcAloon K., Tromba A.
CALC200Calculus: An Introduction to Applied MathematicsGreenspan H. P., Benney D .J.
CALC250Calculus and Analytic Geometry (4th Ed.)Thomas G. B. Jr.
CALC300Calculus and Analytic Geometry (Alt. 2nd Ed.)Edwards C. H. Jr., Penney D. E.
CALC325Calculus and Analytic Geometry, Part II (6th Ed.)Thomas G. B. Jr., Finney R. L.
CALC330Calculus and Analytic Geometry, Part II (7th Ed.)Thomas G. B. Jr., Finney R. L.
CALC375Calculus of Several VariablesAdams R. A.
CALC400Calculus of Variations with ApplicationsEwing G. M.
CALC421Calculus of Variations with Applications to Physics and Engineering {Copy 1}Weinstock R.
CALC422Calculus of Variations with Applications to Physics and Engineering {Copy 2}Weinstock R.
CALC450Calculus of Vector Functions (3rd Ed.)Williamson R. E., Crowell R. H., Trotter H. F.
CALC452Calculus of Vector Functions: Solutions Manual (3rd Ed.)Williamson R. E., Crowell R. H., Trotter H. F.
CALC500Calculus: One and Several VariablesEllis R., Gulick D.
CALC520Calculus: One and Several Variables with Analytic Geometry, Part 2 (5th Ed.)Salas S. L., Hille E., Anderson J. T.
CALC522Calculus: One and Several Variables with Analytic Geometry, Student Solutions Manual (5th Ed.)Salas S. L., Hille E., Anderson J. T.
CALC575Calculus with Analytic Geometry (5th Ed.)Anton H.
FLDN060Capillarity and Wetting Phenomena: Drops, Bubbles, Pearls, Waves (2nd Ed.)De Gennes P.-G., Brochard-Wyart F., Quéré D.
PHYS050Chemical KineticsWeston R. E. Jr., Schwarz H. A.
PHYS070ChemistryMcMurry J., Fay R. C.
PHYS080Chemistry: The Central Science (6th Ed.)Brown T. L., LeMay E. H. Jr., Bursten B. E.
PHYS100Classical DynamicsGreenwood D. T.
PHYS120Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems (4th Ed.)Marion J. B., Thornton S. T.
ALGB100Classical Groups: Their Invariants and Representations [The]Weyl H.
STAT030Classics in Applied Mathematics: ProbabilityBreiman, L.
MAAN101Complex Variables Fisher S. D.
MAAN100Complex Variables (2nd Ed.)Fisher S. D.
MAAN120Complex Variables and the Laplace Transform for EngineersLePage W. R.
MBIO030Computational Cell BiologyFall C. P., Marland E. S., Wagner J. M., Tyson J. J. (Eds.)
FLDN080Computational Fluid Dynamics and Reacting Gas FlowsEngquist B., Luskin M., Majda A. (Eds.)
NUMM050Computational IntegrationKrommer A. R., Ueberhuber C. W.
FLDN100Computational Methods for Fluid DynamicsFerziger J. H., Perić M.
FLDN120Computer-Assisted Flow Visualization: Second Generation TechnologyYang W.-J.
DYNA050Computers, Pattern, Chaos and Beauty: Graphics from an Unseen WorldPickover C. A.
ALGB150Concrete Introduction to Higher Algebra [A]Childs L. N.
ALGB170Contemporary Abstract AlgebraGallian J. A.
PHYS150Continuum Mechanics and Its ApplicationsGraham G. A. C., Malik S. K. (Eds.)
STAT045Contributions to the Theory of Games, Vol. 1Bohnenblust H. F., Brown G. W. and others
MAAN140Course of Modern Analysis [A] (4th Ed.)Whittaker E. T., Watson G. N.
PHYS060Crystal AcousticsMusgrave, M.J.P.
MBIO050Developmental Order: Its Origin and RegulationSubtelny S., Green P. B. (Eds.)
DIFF060Differential Equations: A Concise CourseBear H. S.
DIFF065Differential Equations: A First CourseGuterman M. M., Nitecki Z. H.
DYNA075Differential Equations and Dynamical SystemsPerko L.
DYNA080Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and an Introduction to ChaosHirsch M. W., Smale S., Devaney R. L.
DIFF070Differential Equations for EngineersCreese T. M., Haralick R. M.
DIFF075Differential Equations: Theory and Use in Time and MotionDickinson A. B.
DIFF080Differential Equations with ApplicationsRitger P. D., Rose N. J.
DIFF085Differential Equations with Boundary Value ProblemsZill D. G., Cullen M. R.
ALGB180Direct Methods for Sparse Linear SystemsDavis T. A.
MAAN170Discrete MathematicsJohnsonbaugh R.
FLDN125Dynamics of Fluids in Porous MediaBear J.
PHYS010Dynamic Plasticity of MetalsCampbell, J.D.
MAAN200Eigenfunction Expansions Associated with Second-Order Differential Equations: Part IITitchmarsch E. C.
MAAN231Elementary Analysis: The Theory of Calculus {Copy 1}Ross K. A.
MAAN232Elementary Analysis: The Theory of Calculus {Copy 2}Ross K. A.
DIFF097Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (3rd Ed.) {Copy 1}Boyce W. E., DiPrima R. C.
DIFF098Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (3rd Ed.) {Copy 2}Boyce W. E., DiPrima R. C.
DIFF099Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (4th Ed.)Boyce W. E., DiPrima R. C.
DIFF100Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (5th Ed.)Boyce W. E., DiPrima R. C.
DIFF102Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (7th Ed.)Boyce W. E., DiPrima R. C.
ALGB200Elementary Linear Algebra (4th Ed.)Anton H.
ALGB222Elementary Linear Algebra (2nd Ed.)Shields P. C.
ALGB223Elementary Linear Algebra (3rd Ed.)Shields P. C.
STAT065Elementary StatisticsHadley G.
FLDN130Elements of Aerofoil and Airscrew Theory [The] (2nd Ed.)Glauert H.
DYNA100Elements of Applied Bifurcation TheoryKuznetsov Y. A.
FLDN135Elements of GasdynamicsLiepmann H. W., Roshko A.
DIFF115Elements of Partial Differential EquationsSneddon I. N.
PHYS180Elements of Physical Chemistry: With Applications in Biology [The] (3rd Ed.)Atkins P.
MAAN250Elements of Real AnalysisSprecher D. A.
STAT075Elements of Statistical Inference (5th Ed.)Huntsberger D. V., Billingsley P.
PHYS190Ergodic Theory in Statistical MechanicsFarquhar I. E.
PHYS200Equilibrium Statistical Physics (2nd Ed.)Plischke M., Bergersen B.
DIFF120Existence Theorems in Partial Differential EquationsBernstein D. C.
DYNA110Feedback Systems: Input-Output PropertiesDesoer C. A., Vidyasagar M.
NUMM020Finite Difference Schemes and Partial Differential EquationsStrikwerda, J.C.
NUMM100Finite Element Method: Linear Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis [The]Hughes T. J. R.
STAT100Finite Mathematics: An IntroductionGulati B. R.
NUMM115First Course in Numerical Methods [A]Ascher U. and Greif C.
STAT120First Course in Order Statistics [A]Arnold B. C., Balakrishnan N., Nagaraja H. N.
STAT125First Course in Probability and Statistics [A]Malik H. J., Mullen K.
FLDN180Fluid DynamicsVon Mises R., Fiedrichs K. O.
FLDN200Fluid Dynamics for PhysicistsFaber T. E.
MBIO080Foraging TheoryStephens D. W., Krebs J. R.
PROG080Fortran 90 Handbook: Complete ANSI/ISO ReferenceAdams J. C., Brainerd W. S. and others
MISC150Foundations of Coding: Theory and Applications of Error-Correcting Codes with an Introduction to Cryptography and Information TheoryAdámek J.
PHYS230Foundations of the Non-linear Mechanics of ContinuaSedov L. I.
DYNA120Fractals, Chaos, Power Laws: Minutes from an Infinite ParadiseSchroeder M.
DYNA131Fractals for the Classroom. Part 1: Introduction to Fractals and ChaosPeitgen H.-O., Jürgens H., Saupe D.
DYNA132Fractals for the Classroom. Part 2: Complex Systems and Mandelbrot SetPeitgen H.-O., Jürgens H., Saupe D.
MAAN020Functions of Complex VariablesCarrier, G.F, Krook, M., Pearson, C.E.
STAT150Fundamental Research Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (2nd Ed.)Roscoe J. T.
PHYS250Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics (2nd Ed.)Van Wylen G. J., Sonntag R. E.
MISC180Fundamentals of Performance ModelingMolloy M. K.
PHYS270Gauge Theories of Weak InteractionsTaylor J. C.
ALGB280Generalized Inverses of Linear TransformationsCampbell S. L., Meyer C. D.
MBIO100Geometry of Biological Time [The]Winfree A. T.
PHYS280Geophysical Field Theory and Method, Part A: Gravitational, Electric, and Magnetic FieldsKaufman A. A.
PROG100GIMP: The Official HandbookKylander O. S., Kylander K.
PHYS290Group Theory in Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction to Its Present UsageHeine V.
PROG120Guide to LATEX (4th Ed.)Kopka H., Daly P. W.
PROG130Guide to MATLAB for Beginners and Advanced Users [A] (2nd Ed.)Hunt B. R., Lipsman R. L. and others
MISC220Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical TablesAbramowitz M., Stegun I. A. (Eds.)
MISC221Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical TablesAbramowitz M., Stegun I. A. (Eds.)
MISC235Handbook of Mathematics and Computational ScienceHarris J. W., Stocker H.
STAT180History of Statistics: The Measurement of Uncertainty Before 1900 [The]Stigler S. M.
MISC250History of TribologyDowson D.
FLDN301Hydrodynamics (6th Ed.) {Copy 1}Lamb H.
FLDN302Hydrodynamics (6th Ed.) {Copy 2}Lamb H.
MISC300ICIAM 99: Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress on Industrial & Applied MathematicsBall J. M., Hunt J. C. R. (Eds.)
NUMM150Instructor's Manual for Numerical Analysis (5th Ed.), 3.5" floppy includedBurden R. L., Faires J. D.
ALGB300Instructor's Manual to Accompany Linear Algebra with ApplicationsWilliams G.
MAAN280Integral EquationsTricomi F. G.
MAAN290Introduction to Abstract Harmonic Analysis [An]Loomis L. H.
FLDN330Introduction to Aerodynamics of a Compressible FluidLiepmann H. G., Puckett A. E.
DYNA150Introduction to Chaotic Dynamical Systems [An] (2nd Ed.)Devaney R. L.
PHYS300Introduction to Computational Physics [An]Pang T.
FLDN350Introduction to Hydrodynamic StabilityDrazin P. G.
DYNA175Introduction to Kalman Filtering with Applications [An]Miller K. S., Leskiw D. M.
PROG150Introduction to Maple (2nd Ed.)Heck A.
FLDN370Introduction to Mathematical Fluid DynamicsMeyer R. E.
STAT200Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (2nd Ed.)Hoel P. G.
STAT220Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications [An]Larsen R. J., Marx M. L.
PHYS020Introduction to Mechanics of ContinuaPrager, W.
DIFF131Introduction to Nonlinear Differential and Integral Equations {Copy 1}Davis H. T.
DIFF132Introduction to Nonlinear Differential and Integral Equations {Copy 2}Davis H. T.
NUMM170Introduction to Numerical MethodsStark P. A.
DIFF150Introduction to Partial Differential Equations: A Computational ApproachTveito A., Winther R.
DIFF170Introduction to Partial Differential Equations with ApplicationsZachmanoglou E. C., Thoe D. W.
MAAN300Introduction to Perturbation MethodsHolmes M. H.
PHYS320Introduction to Quantum Groups [An]Chaichian M., Demichev A.
MAAN320Introduction to Real Variable TheorySaxena S. C., Shah S. M.
STAT250Introduction to Probabilistic Modeling [An]Brémaud P.
STAT275Introduction to Statistical ThinkingMaxwell E. A.
STAT300Introduction to Statistics: A Nonparametric Approach (2nd Ed.)Noether G. E.
PHYS030Introduction to the Differential Equations of PhysicsHopf, L.
PHYS340Introduction to Theoretical PhysicsSlater J. C., Frank N. H.
CALC600Introduction to Vector Analysis (3rd Ed.)Davis H. F., Snider A. D.
ALGB350Introduction to Wavelets through Linear Algebra [An]Frazier M. W.
MAAN350Introductory Real AnalysisKolmogorov A. N., Fomin S. V.
PHYS360Introductory Quantum MechanicsLiboff R. L.
STAT350Introductory StatisticsRoss S. M.
STAT370Introductory Statistics (2nd Ed.)Weiss N. A., Hassett M. J.
ALGB370Invariant Subspaces of Matrices with ApplicationsGohberg I., Lancaster P., Rodman L.
MBIO150Ion Channels of Excitable MembranesHille B.
ALGB390Irreducible Tensorial SetsFano U., Racah G.
MBIO161Kinetic Theory of Living Pattern {Copy 1}Harrison L. G.
MBIO162Kinetic Theory of Living Pattern {Copy 2}Harrison L. G.
PROG191LATEX: A Document Preparation System {Copy 1}Lamport L.
PROG192LATEX: A Document Preparation System {Copy 2}Lamport L.
PROG201LATEX: A Document Preparation System (2nd Ed.)Lamport L.
PROG205LATEX Companion [The]Goossens M., Mittelbach F., Samarin A.
PROG208LATEX Graphics Companion [The]Goossens M., Rahtz S., Mittelbach F.
CALC651Lectures on Classical Differential Geometry (2nd Ed.) {Copy 1}Struik D. J.
CALC652Lectures on Classical Differential Geometry (2nd Ed.) {Copy 2}Struik D. J.
ODES020Lectures on Ordinary Differential EquationsHurewicz, W.
PHYS400Lectures on Phase Transitions and the Renormalization GroupGoldenfeld N.
ALGB480Linear Algebra (2nd Ed.)Hoffman K., Kunze R.
ODES010Linear Algebra and Differential EquationsCullen, C.G.
ALGB500Linear Algebra and Its Applications (3rd Ed.)Strang G.
ALGB510Linear Algebra with ApplicationsWilliams G.
ALGB520Linear Algebra with Applications to Differential EquationsKumpel P. G., Thorpe J. A.
FLDN420Magnetodynamics of Conducting Fluids [The]Bershader D. (Ed.)
PROG240Maple: An Introduction and ReferenceKofler M.
STAT450Mass Transportation Problems, Vol. 1: TheoryRachev S. T., Rüschendorf L.
PROG250Mastering MATLAB 5: A Comprehensive Tutorial and ReferenceHanselman D., Littlefield B.
PROG253Mastering MATLAB 6: A Comprehensive Tutorial and ReferenceHanselman D., Littlefield B.
MAAN450Mathematical Analysis: An IntroductionBrowder A.
MAAN040Mathematical Analysis: An Introduction to Complex AnalysisMcGehee, O.C.
NUMM200Mathematical and Computational Techniques for Multilevel Adaptive MethodsRüde U.
MBIO200Mathematical Biology I: An IntroductionMurray J. D.
MBIO202Mathematical Biology II: Spatial Models and Biomedical ApplicationMurray J. D.
MISC400Mathematical Career of Pierre de Fermat, 1601-1665 [The] (2nd Ed.)Mahoney M. C.
MBIO221Mathematical Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases: Model Building, Analysis and InterpretationDiekmann O., Heesterbeek J. A. P.
PHYS450Mathematical Foundations of Quantum MechanicsVon Neumann J.
NUMM215Mathematical Methods for Digital ComputersRalston A., Wilf H. S. (Eds.)
NUMM216Mathematical Methods for Digital ComputersRalston A., Wilf H. S. (Eds.)
NUMM217Mathematical Methods for Digital Computers, Vol. 2Ralston A., Wilf H. S. (Eds.)
CALC700Mathematical Methods for Physicists (5th Ed.)Arfken G. B., Weber H. J.
MAAN475Mathematical Methods in Physics and EngineeringDettman J. W.
STAT480Mathematical Methods in Statistics: A WorkbookFreedman D., Lane D.
PHYS470Mathematical Methods of Quantum MechanicsFano G.
MBIO231Mathematical Models in Biology {Copy 1}Edelstein-Keshet L.
MBIO232Mathematical Models in Biology {Copy 2}Edelstein-Keshet L.
MISC450Mathematical Models in the Applied SciencesFowler A. C.
MBIO250Mathematical Models of the Circadian Sleep-Wake CycleMoore-Ede M. C., Czeisler C. A. (Eds.)
PHYS490Mathematical Physics 2000Fokas A., Grogoryan A., Kibble T., Zegarlinski B. (Eds.)
MBIO275Mathematical PhysiologyKeener J., Sneyd J.
PHYS500Mathematical Problems of Relativistic PhysicsSegal I. E., Mackey G. W.
PHYS090Mathematics Applied to Deterministic Problem in the Natural SciencesLin, C.C., Segel, L.A.
MBIO300Mathematics of Genome AnalysisPercus J. K.
DIFF250Mathematics of Wave PropagationDavis J. L.
ALGB600Matrix Methods for EngineeringPipes L. A.
ALGB630Matrix TheoryFranklin J. N.
ALGB650Matrix Vector AnalysisEisenman R. L.
MAAN500Methods of Applied Mathematics (2nd Ed.)Hildebrand F. B.
NUMM225Methods of Applied Mathematics with a MATLAB OverviewDavis J. H.
MAAN530Methods of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 1Courant R., Hilbert D.
PHYS551Methods of Theoretical Physics, Part IMorse P. M., Feshbach H.
PHYS552Methods of Theoretical Physics, Part IIMorse P. M., Feshbach H.
MBIO350Modelling the Physiology of Plant Cells in Suspension CultureVal J.
STAT500Modern Elementary Statistics (3rd Ed.)Freund J. E.
DYNA040Modern Nonlinear EquationsSaaty, T.L.
MBIO390Molecular Biology of the Cell (2nd Ed.)Alberts B., Bray D., Lewis J. and others
MBIO400Molecular Cell BiologyLodish H., Berk A., Zipursky S. L. and others
NUMM230Monte Carlo: Concepts, Algorithms, and ApplicationsFishman G. S.
NUMM240Multigrid MethodsMcCormick S. F. (Ed.)
MBIO450Muscles, Reflexes, and LocomotionMcMahon T. A.
CALC750Multivariable Mathematics (2nd Ed.)Williamson R. E., Trotter H. F.
MISC500Niels Bohr's Times, In Physics, Philosophy, and PolityPais A.
DYNA300Nonlinear Differential Equations and Dynamical SystemsVerhulst F.
DYNA320Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos (2nd Ed.)Thompson J. M. T., Stewart H. B.
DYNA330Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: With Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and EngineeringStrogatz S. H.
MBIO470Nonlinear Dynamics in Physiology and MedicineBeuter A., Glass L., Mackey M. C., Titcombe M. S. (Eds.)
ODES030Nonlinear OscillationsNayfeh, A.H., Mook, D.T.
DYNA350Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems, and Bifurcations of Vector FieldsGuckenheimer J., Holmes P.
PROG270Nonlinear Physics with Maple for Scientists and EngineersEnns R. H., McGuire G. C.
DYNA400Nonlinear Systems: Analysis, Stability, and ControlSastry S.
MISC010Nonlinear Wave Propagation in MechanicsWright, T.W.
DYNA451Nonlinear Waves, Solitons and ChaosInfeld E., Rowlands G.
DYNA452Nonlinear Waves, Solitons and Chaos (2nd Ed.)Infeld E., Rowlands G.
NUMM250Numerical Analysis (7th Ed.)Burden R. L., Faires J. D.
NUMM270Numerical MathematicsQuarteroni A., Sacco R., Saleri F.
NUMM285Numerical MethodsFaires J. D., Burden R. L.
NUMM290Numerical Methods: A Software ApproachJohnston R. L.
NUMM295Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers (2nd Ed.)Hamming R. W.
NUMM030Numerical Methods with VBA ProgrammingHiestand, J.W.
NUMM300Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing (2nd Ed.)Press W. H., Teukolsky S. A. and others
NUMM310Numerical Recipes: Example Book (C++)Vetterling W. T., Teukolsky S. A. and others
NUMM312Numerical Recipes: Example Book (Fortran)Vetterling W. T., Teukolsky S. A. and others
NUMM325Numerical Recipes: Example Book (Fortran)Press, W.H., Teukolsky, S.A., Vetterling, W.T., Flannery, B.P.
NUMM300Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing (2nd Ed.)Press W. H., Teukolsky S. A. and others
NUMM315Numerical Recipes in C++: The Art of Scientific Computing (2nd Ed.)Press W. H., Teukolsky S. A. and others
NUMM324Numerical Recipes in Fortran: The Art of Scientific ComputingPress, W.H., Teukolsky, S.A., Vetterling, W.T., Flannery, B.P.
NUMM321Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing (Fortran Version)Press W. H., Flannery B. P. and others
NUMM323Numerical Recipes in Fortran: The Art of Scientific Computing (2nd Ed.)Press W. H., Teukolsky S. A., Vetterling W. T., Flannery B. P.
NUMM325Numerical Recipes in Fortran 77: The Art of Scientific Computing (2nd Ed.)Press W. H., Teukolsky S. A., Vetterling W. T., Flannery B. P.
FLDN450Numerical Simulation in Fluid Dynamics: A Practical IntroductionGriebel M., Dornseifer T., Neunhoeffer T.
NUMM400Numerical Solution of Initial Value Problems in Differential-Algebraic EquationsBrenan K. E., Campbell S. L., Petzold L. R.
MBIO480On Growth, Form and ComputersKumar S., P. J. Bentley (Eds.)
PROG295OpenGL: Programming Guide (3rd Ed.)Woo M., Neider J., Davis T., Shreiner D.
PROG300OpenGL: Reference Manual (3rd Ed.)Shreiner D. (Ed.)
MAAN570Operational Mathematics (2nd Ed.)Churchill R. V.
STAT525Optimal Design of ExperimentsPukelsheim F.
DIFF301Ordinary Differential EquationsInce E. L.
DIFF312Ordinary Differential EquationsMartin R. M., Jr.
DIFF325Ordinary Differential Equations for Engineering and Science StudentsJones L. B.
PROG350Parallel Scientific Computing in C++ and MPI: A Seamless Approach to Parallel Algorithms and Their ImplementationKarniadakis G. E., Kirby II R. M.
DIFF340Partial Differential Equations for Computational Science: With Maple and Vector AnalysisBetounes D.
DIFF351Partial Differential Equations of Applied Mathematics (2nd Ed.) {Copy 1}Zauderer E.
DIFF352Partial Differential Equations of Applied Mathematics (2nd Ed.) {Copy 2}Zauderer E.
PDES010Partial Differential Equations of Applied Mathematics {Copy 3}Zauderer, E.
DIFF365Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical PhysicsBateman H.
FLDN600Perspectives in Fluid Dynamics: A Collective Introduction to Current ResearchBatchelor G. K., Moffatt H. K., and Worster M. G. (Eds.)
PERT020Perturbation Methods in Applied MathematicsCole, J.D
FLDN610Perturbation Methods in Fluid MechanicsVan Dyke M.
PHYS600Physical Chemistry (3rd Ed.)Laidler K. J., Meiser J. H.
MBIO500Population Ecology of IndividualsŁomnicki A.
PROG400PostScript Language: Program DesignAdobe Systems Incorporated: Reid G. C.
PROG402PostScript Language: Reference ManualAdobe Systems Incorporated
PROG405PostScript Language: Tutorial and CookbookAdobe Systems Incorporated
MAAN590Principles of Applied Mathematics: Transformation and Approximation (2nd Ed.)Keener J. P.
MAAN601Principles of Mathematical Analysis (2nd Ed.) {Copy 1}Rudin W.
MAAN602Principles of Mathematical Analysis (2nd Ed.) {Copy 2}Rudin W.
STAT550Principles of Statistics and ProbabilityCrovelli R. A.
STAT600Probability and Statistics: An Undergraduate CourseDwass M.
STAT651Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists {Copy 1}Walpole R. E., Myers R. H.
STAT652Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists {Copy 2}Walpole R. E., Myers R. H.
STAT680Probability and Stochastic Processes: With a View Toward ApplicationsBreiman L.
DIFF395Problems in Differential Equations (2nd Ed.)Brenner J. L.
MISC551Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Aug 21-29, 1974, Vancouver, B.C., Vol. 1James R. D. (Ed.)
MISC552Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Aug 21-29, 1974, Vancouver, B.C., Vol. 2James R. D. (Ed.)
DIFF425Qualitative Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations: An Introduction [The]Brauer F., Nohel J. A.
PDES030Quasilinear Hyperbolic Systems and WavesJeffrey, A.
MAAN650Real Analysis (2nd Ed.)Royden H. L.
MAAN700Scattering TheoryLax P. D., Phillips R. S.
MISC600Scientific Visualization: Advances and ChallengesRosenblum L., Earnshaw R. A. and others
MAAN720Several Complex VariablesBochner S., Martin W. T.
MISC630Short Table of Integrals [A] (2nd Rev. Ed.)Peirce B. O.
PROG500Simulating, Analyzing, and Animating Dynamical Systems: A Guide to XPPAUT for Researchers and StudentsErmentrout B.
NUMM480Sinc Methods for Quadrature and Differential EquationsLund J., Bowers K. L.
CALC800Single-Variable Calculus (Rev. Ed.)Adams R. A.
PHYS650Solitons in Mathematics and PhysicsNewell A. C.
STAT725Solutions Manual for Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences (2nd Ed.)Devore J. L.
DYNA700Spatio-Temporal Pattern Formation: With Examples from Physics, Chemistry, and Materials ScienceWalgraef D.
MBIO550Stability and Complexity in Model EcosystemsMay R. M.
STAT745Statistical Tables (2nd Ed.)Rohlf F. J., Sokal R. R.
PHYS670Statistical ThermodynamicsLee J. F., Sears F. W., Turcotte D. L.
STAT800Statistics: An Introduction to Numerical Reasoning (Pilot Ed.)Waller R. A.
STAT850Statistics for Modern Business Decision MakingSasaki K.
STAT900Statistics: Methods and AnalysesChao L. L.
DIFF500Stochastic Differential Equations: An Introduction with ApplicationsØksendal B.
DIFF550Stochastic Partial Differential EquationsEtheridge A. (Ed.)
NUMM500Stochastic Simulation in PhysicsMacKeown P. K.
FLDN020Stratified FlowsYih, C.S.
MBIO600Structured-Population Models in Marine, Terrestrial, and Freshwater SystemsTuljapurkar S., Caswell H.
FLDN650Supersonic Flow and Shock WavesCourant R., Friedrichs K. O.
FLDN670Symposium on Aerodynamics and AeroacousticsFung K.-Y. (Ed.)
MISC701Table of Integrals, Series, and ProductsGradshteyn, I.S., Ryzhik, I.M.
MISC702Table of Integrals, Series, and Products { copy 2}Gradshteyn, I.S., Ryzhik, I.M.
MISC700Table of Integrals, Series, and Products (6th Ed.)Gradshteyn I. S., Ryzhik I. M.
MISC750Tables of Integrals and Other Mathematical DataDwight H. B.
PHYS700Tensor Analysis for Physicists (2nd Ed.)Schouten J. A.
PDES020Techniques in Partial Differential EquationsChester, C.R.
PROG600TEXbook [The]Knuth D. E.
FLDN010Theoretical AerodynamicsMilne-Thomson, L.M.
CALC850Theoretical Side of Calculus [The]Clark C.
FLDN700Theory and Applications of Nonviscous Fluid FlowsZeytounian R. Kh.
DIFF600Theory and Numerics of Differential EquationsBlowey J. F., Coleman J. P., Craig A. W. (Eds.)
MBIO700Theory of Evolution and Dynamical Systems [The]Hofbauer J., Sigmund K.
MAAN800Time Sequence Analysis in Geophysics (3rd Ed.)Kanasewich E. R.
FLDN750Topics in Fluid MechanicsChevray R., Mathieu J.
MAAN850Treatise on Bessel Functions and Their Applications to Physics [A] (2nd Ed.)Gray A., Mathews G. B.
DIFF700Treatise on Differential Equations [A] (2nd Ed.)Forsyth A. R.
PHYS750Treatise on the Analytical Dynamics of Particles and Rigid Bodies: With an Introduction to the Problem of Three Bodies [A] (4th Ed.)Whittaker E. T.
FLDN801Turbulent Flows {Copy 1}Pope S. B.
FLDN802Turbulent Flows {Copy 2}Pope S. B.
DYNA850Understanding Nonlinear DynamicsKaplan D., Glass L.
PHYS800Understanding Semiconductor Devices (CD-ROM Enclosed)Dimitrijev S.
MAAN901Variational Calculus and Optimal Control: Optimization with Elementary Convexity (2nd Ed.) {Copy 1}Troutman J. L.
MAAN902Variational Calculus and Optimal Control: Optimization with Elementary Convexity (2nd Ed.) {Copy 2}Troutman J. L.
PHYS900Variational Principles of Mechanics [The] (4th Ed.)Lanczos C.
CALC900Vector AnalysisBrand L.
FLDN850Viscous Profiles and Numerical Methods for Shock WavesShearer M. (Ed.)
MISC800VNR Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics [The]Gellert W., Küstner H., Hellwich M., Kästner H. (Eds.)
FLDN030Waves: A Mathematical Approach to the Common Types of Wave MotionCoulson, C.A., Jeffrey, A.
FLDN900Wave MotionBillingham J., King A. C.
NUMM900Wavelets Made EasyNievergelt Y.
MBIO800Weakly Connected Neural NetworksHoppensteadt F. C., Izhikevich E. M.
MISC850What is Mathematics, Really?Hersh R.
MISC900What Makes Airplanes Fly? History, Science, and Applications of AerodynamicsWegener P. P.