Event Categories
Nov 28 3:00 pm
The Dynamics of Particles with Ligand-Receptor Contacts
Miranda Holmes-Cerfon (UBC Dept. of Mathematics) IAM SeminarOne way to glue objects together at the nanoscale or microscale is by ligand-receptor interactions, in which short, sticky hair-like ligands stick to...
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Nov 21 3:00 pm LSK 306
Attractors for Internal Waves in Stratified Fluids: A Numerical-Analysis Viewpoint
Nilima Nigam, SFU Mathematics IAM SeminarThe propagation of internal gravity waves in stratified media (such as those found in ocean basins and lakes) leads to the development of...
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Nov 16 3:00 pm LSK 306
An Introduction to Convex-Composite Optimization
James Burke, University of Washington Mathematics IAM SeminarConvex-composite optimization concerns the optimization of functions that can be written as the composition of a convex function and a smooth function. Such...
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Nov 14 3:00 pm LSK 306
Analytical and Numerical Treatment of Molecular Integrals: The Case of the Three-Center Nuclear Attraction
Hassan Safouhi, University of Alberta IAM SeminarRefreshments at 2:30, preceding the talk.
It is well known that in any ab initio molecular orbital (MO) calculation, the major task involves the...
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Oct 17 3:30 pm LSK 306
Mechanics of Diffusion-Mediated Budding and Implications for Virus Replication and Infection
Mattia Bacca (Mechanical Engineering, UBC) IAM SeminarBudding allows virus replication and macromolecular secretion in cells. It involves the formation of a bud, i.e. an outgrowth from the cell membrane...
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Aug 22 3:00 pm
Tensor Decompositions, X-rank, and Flexible Activation Functions
Konstantin Usevich (Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy) IAM SeminarThis talk will start with an overview of tensor decompositions. For higher-order tensors, there are several generalizations of the matrix rank. I will...
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Aug 9 3:00 pm LSK 306
Generative Networks for Inverse Problems without Ground-Truth Data
Oscar Leong (Caltech Dept. of Computing and Mathematical Sciences) IAM SeminarWe consider solving ill-posed imaging inverse problems under a generic forward model. Because of the ill-posedness present in such problems, prior models that...
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Apr 4 3:00 pm Zoom
On the Edge: Sharp Treatment of Free Boundary Problems and Applications
Frederic Gibou (U.C. Santa Barbara) IAM SeminarMost modern problems in science and engineering are described on irregular geometries or free boundaries that are notoriously difficult to handle...
Read MoreMar 14 3:00 pmBidders’ Informedness and Selective Entry in First-Price Auctions
Vadim Marmer (Vancouver School of Economics, UBC) IAM SeminarI will present a study (done with Jun Ma of Renmin University of China and Pai Xu of the University of...
Read MoreFeb 28 3:00 pmElectronic Structure of Incommensurate 2D Heterostructures with Mechanical Relaxation
Daniel Massatt (Statistics, University of Chicago) IAM SeminarSince their discovery by Geim, 2D heterostructures have become a hotbed of research due to their novel structure. Stacking varying materials on... Read MoreFeb 7 10:00 amTheoretical studies of non-autonomous reaction-diffusion systems: The effects of domain growth and cross-diffusion
Anotida Madzvamuse (Mathematical and Computational Biology, Univ. of Sussex) IAM SeminarIn this talk, I will present generalised systems of non-autonomous reaction-diffusion equations posed on growing domains. Under suitable assumptions on the evolution law...
Read MoreJan 31 3:00 pmLinear and Sublinear Time Spectral Density Estimation
Christopher Musco (Computer Science and Engineering, NYU Tandon School of Engineering) IAM SeminarI will discuss new work on practically popular algorithms--including the kernel polynomial method (KPM) and moment matching method--for approximating the spectral
Read More Nov 29 3:00 pm LSK 306Geometric and Transport-Based Methods for Cryo-EM Studies and Biological Shape Analysis
Khanh Dao Duc (UBC Mathematics) IAM SeminarCryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) has come into wide use in the past few years for finding the 3D structure of biomolecules and identifying...
Read MoreNov 1 3:00 pm LSK 306High-Fidelity and Data-Driven Modeling of Fluid-Solid Interfaces: An Overview
Rajeev Jaiman (UBC Mechanical Engineering) IAM SeminarIn this talk, I will review some of our ongoing activities around high-fidelity and low-dimensional data-driven modeling of multiphysics interfaces, with a particular...
Read MoreSep 27 3:00 pm LSK 306Large-Scale Sparse Precision Matrix Estimation
Aryan Eftekhari (Università della Svizzera italiana) IAM SeminarThe L1-regularized Gaussian maximum likelihood method is a common approach for sparse precision matrix estimation but one...
Read MoreSep 20 3:00 pm LSK 306This talk will provide a panoramic view of the increasingly important role that abstract mathematics — geometry and topology in particular — is...
Read MoreApr 12 3:00 pm ZoomThe lifetime visual exposure of an adult observer contains statistical regularities across a diverse hierarchy of image properties. From canonical retinal sizes and...
Read MoreMar 22 3:00 pm ZoomAdvanced multivariable controllers are widely used in process and other industries. However, such controllers require regular maintenance to sustain acceptable closed loop... Read MoreMar 15 3:00 pmBlessings and Curses of Overparameterization: A Precise High-dimensional Approach
Christos Thrampoulidis IAM SeminarState-of-the-art deep neural networks generalize well, despite being exceedingly overparameterized and trained without explicit regularization. Understanding the principles behind this phenomenon —termed benign...
Read MoreMar 8 3:00 pmProbabilistic Model Summaries for Efficient Bayesian Inference
Trevor Campbell (Statistics) IAM SeminarThis talk will cover recent work on Bayesian coresets ("core of a dataset"), a methodology for statistical inference via data compression. Coresets achieve...
Read MoreFeb 22 3:00 pm ZoomIn the 1990s, Border proposed succinct representations of Bayesian auctions in terms of interim allocation rules, describing each agent's allocation in expectation over...
Read MoreFeb 1 3:00 pm ZoomThis talk provides a high-level overview of some of my research experiences in the field of optimization. The talk with be largely nontechnical,...
Read MoreJan 18 4:00 pm ZoomThe signal demixing problem seeks to separate the superposition of multiple signals into its constituent components. I will describe a geometric view of...
Read MoreNov 23 3:00 pmDecision-making in multi-agent systems arises in engineeringapplications ranging from electricity markets to communication and transportation networks. I discuss decision-making of multiple players with... Read MoreNov 2 3:00 pm ZoomIdentifying causal relationships between random variables from observational data is an important problem in many areas of data science. The presence of hidden variables,...
Read MoreOct 19 3:00 pmThe mammalian hippocampus, composed of serially connected subfields, participates in a variety of functions involving memory. It has been postulated that parallel circuitry...
Read MoreOct 5 3:00 pmLoosely speaking, an integer program (IP) becomes simpler if we relax some of the constraints that... Read MoreSep 21 3:00 pm ZoomTowards a mathematical theory of developmental biology
Geoff Schiebinger, UBC Department of Mathematics IAM SeminarTowards a mathematical theory of developmental biology:
Analyzing developmental processes with optimal transportThis talk focuses on estimating temporal couplings of stochastic processes with optimal...
Read MoreJun 17 3:00 pm LSK 306Acceleration of linearly convergent first-order methods without the knowledge of error bound condition number
Zheng Qu, University of Hong Kong IAM SeminarMany popular algorithms in convex optimization exhibit linear convergence behaviour when applied on problems arising from the context of machine learning and signal...
Read MoreMar 21 12:30 pm ESB 4133Minimal Sublinear Representations of Convex Sets
Amitabh Basu, John's Hopkins University IAM SeminarIt is well-known that a closed convex set C containing the origin in its interior can be represented as the 1-sublevel set of...
Read MoreMar 19 3:30 pm ESB 4133Cutting plane techniques are key to solving large scale optimization problems with mixed-integer variables. Modern approaches to cutting plane theory shows that the...
Read MoreMar 22 7:30 pmSpeaker: Saverio E. Spagnolie, University of Wisconsin-Madison
URL for Speaker: http://www.math.wisc.edu/~spagnolie/
Location: ESB 4133
Intended Audience: Public
The deformation and transport of...
Read MoreMar 21 10:00 pmSpeaker: James B. Rawlings, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Wisconsin-Madison
URL for Speaker: http://jbrwww.che.wisc.edu/
Location: LSK 460
Intended Audience: Public
This seminar provides...
Read MoreNov 23 11:00 pmOptimal Residual and the Leaky Bucket
IAM SeminarSpeaker: Rob Corless, Western University, Applied Mathematics
URL for Speaker: http://www.apmaths.uwo.ca/~rcorless/
Location: ESB 2012
Intended Audience: Public
The numerical solution of ordinary...
Read MoreNov 24 11:00 pmIAM Problem Solving Session
IAM SeminarLocation: LSK 460
Intended Audience: IAM members
This is an event put together by Michael Ward and Jimmy Feng. It is a trial...
Read MoreNov 14 11:00 pmSpeaker: Martin Oberlack, TU Darmstadt, Department of Mechanical Engineering
URL for Speaker: http://www.fdy.tu-darmstadt.de/fdy/mitarbeiter_20/mitarbeiterdetails_16448.en.js...
Location: ESB 2012
Intended Audience: Public
It has long...
Read MoreSep 22 10:00 pmSpeaker: John Stockie
URL for Speaker: http://people.math.sfu.ca/~stockie/
Location: LSK 460
Intended Audience: Public
Industrial mathematics is a field that spans a broad...
Read MoreJan 13 11:00 pmSpeaker: Miranda Holmes-Cerfon, Courant Institute
URL for Speaker: http://cims.nyu.edu/~holmes/
Location: LSK 460
Intended Audience: IAM members
Local Contact:Leah Keshet
Nature has solved the...
Read MoreOct 7 10:00 pmSpeaker: Ian Mitchell
URL for Speaker: http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~mitchell/
Location: LSK 460
Intended Audience: IAM members
Local Contact:Brian Wetton
A DC operating point is an...
Read MoreSep 23 10:00 pmAn informal introduction to rigorous computing
IAM SeminarSpeaker: JF Williams
URL for Speaker: http://www.math.sfu.ca/people/staff/faculty/jf_williams
Location: LSK 460
Intended Audience: IAM members
Local Contact:Brian Wetton
This talk will present the under...
Read MoreFeb 25 11:00 pmAdventures in Celestial Mechanics
IAM SeminarSpeaker: Prof. Brett Gladman, Department of Physics & Astronomy, UBC
URL for Speaker: https://www.phas.ubc.ca/users/brett-gladman
Location: LSK 460
Intended Audience: Public
I will...
Read MoreJan 28 11:00 pmOn a Few Puzzles in Interfacial Fluid Mechanics
IAM SeminarSpeaker: Asst. Prof. Rouslan Krechetnikov, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara
URL for Speaker: http://www.engineering.ucsb.edu/~rkrechet-lab/files/people/PI/index.html
Location: LSK 460
Read MoreJan 21 11:00 pmSpeaker: Prof. Eliot Fried, Mechanical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec
URL for Speaker: http://www.mcgill.ca/mecheng/staff/eliotfried
Location: LSK 460
Intended Audience: Public
We reformulate...
Read MoreJan 14 11:00 pmSpeaker: Prof. Margot Gerritsen, Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford
URL for Speaker: http://margot.stanford.edu/
Location: LSK 460
Intended Audience: Public
We all...
Read MoreSep 24 10:00 pmSpeaker: Nir Sochen, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Tel-Aviv
URL for Speaker: http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~sochen/
Location: LSK 460
In signal processing there is...
Read MoreSep 17 10:00 pmSpeaker: Prof. James J. Feng, Department of ChBE, Department of Mathematics, UBC
URL for Speaker: http://www.math.ubc.ca/~jfeng/
Location: LSK 460
Intended Audience: ...
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Institute of Applied Mathematics Vancouver Campus 311-6356 Agricultural Road University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z2 Website www.iam.ubc.ca Email iam@iam.ubc.ca Back to top ⌃