This page provides summaries of various institute event and seminar series. Visit the Events Calendar page for the institute’s monthly event calendar.
List of Colloquia / Seminar Series
- Regular IAM seminars
- IAM-PIMS Distinguished Colloquium Series
- IAM Distinguished Alumni Lectures
- Annual Seminar Retreat
- Fluids Seminars
- SCAIM Seminars
- Mathematical Biology Seminars
- Mathematics of Information and Applications Seminars
- BC Data Science Colloquium
- Other IAM events
Colloquia / Seminar Series
Regular IAM seminars: Weekly seminars take place in the IAM on Mondays at 3pm. These are preceded at 2:45pm by refreshments in the IAM Lounge.
IAM-PIMS Distinguished Colloquium Series: The Distinguished Colloquium Series (DCS) is organised by the Institute of Applied Mathematics, with support from the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS). The DCS talks cover a wide variety of topics in Applied Mathematics and are given by the most outstanding researchers invited to Vancouver from all over the globe.
IAM Distinguished Alumni Lectures: Each year, the IAM hosts a Distinguished Alumni Lecture. The purpose of this special seminar series is to acknowledge the professional achievements of the IAM alumni and to give the current graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and faculty an opportunity to meet and interact with former IAM students.
Annual Seminar Retreat: Every year in spring since 2005, the IAM organises a whole-day off-campus seminar retreat, in which our students and postdoctoral fellows present their research to an audience of other IAM members and invited guests. The location is typically a heritage building or a similar facility in one of Greater Vancouver’s Regional Parks. The talks are usually 15-20 min long and cover a variety of topics in different areas of applied mathematics.
Fluids Seminars: The fluids group runs regular seminars and a weekly informal meeting in the Complex Fluids Lab.
SCAIM Seminars: The SCAIM (Scientific Computing and Applied & Industrial Mathematics) Seminar Series runs every Tuesday at 12:30.
SCAIM seminar web site link:
Mathematical Biology Seminars:
The mathematical biology group runs regular seminars. Details can be found on the web page they maintain:
Mathematics of Information and Applications Seminars: Mathematics of Information and Applications Seminar is a seminar series focusing on the theory and applications of sparse and low rank approximation. Related topics of interest include random matrix theory, convex optimization and geometry, and, more generally, the study of low-dimensional structures in high-dimensional space.
BC Data Science Colloquium: The Vancouver Data Science Colloquium is a bi-weekly lecture series featuring industrial and academic speakers showcasing mathematical and computational elements of data science. The Vancouver Data Science Colloquium is co-sponsored by CANSSI, the Data Sciences Institute (DSI), the Institute for Applied Mathematics (IAM) and PIMS.
Other IAM Events: The IAM organises and participates in a variety of social and instructional events on a non-regular basis. These may include workshops, welcoming parties, BBQs, hikes and other sports activities, etc. Click on the links below to find out more about the various past events organised by the IAM or involving the members of our Institute.