Seventh Annual IAM Retreat 2011

Annual Retreat
April 8, 2011 4:00 pm

Speaker:  Eighteen Speakers

Location:  Minnekhada Lodge, Minnekhada Regional Park

Intended Audience:  Public

The Seventh Annual IAM Seminar Retreat was organised by Prof. Dan Coombs (IAM Faculty, Mathematics), Prof. Neil Balmforth (IAM Director, Earth and Ocean Sciences and Mathematics) and Dr. Marek Labecki (IAM Research/IT Manager), and took place on Friday, April 8th, 2011. After two consecutive years at different retreat locations, we returned once again to Minnekhada Lodge in the beautiful Minnekhada Regional Park. We had a record number of 51 participants and 18 top-notch talks covering a variety of topics in applied mathematics (see the Retreat Schedule). During lunch break, most of us took a refreshing walk around the marshes and woods of Minnekhada Park, and hiked up its highest point, High Knoll (click here for a trail map). This was arguably our best seminar retreat so far.

Retreat Schedule
Time Presenter Talk Title
9:45-10:45 SESSION ONE
9:45-9:57 Bill Holmes Symmetry Breaking and Pattern Formation in Cell Polarization/Chemotaxis
9:57-10:09 Will Carlquist Analysis of MinD and MinE Oscillation and Pattern Formation in Escherichia Coli
10:09-10:21 Yana Nec Existence and Stability of Spike-Type Solutions to One-Dimensional Gierer-Meinhardt Model with Sub-Diffusion
10:21-10:33 Jia Gou A Phenomenological Model of P2X2 Channels and Their Roles in GnRH-Induced Signaling in Pituitary Gonadotrophs
10:33-10:45 Kelly Paton Cardiac Arrhythmias Modeled as Reentrant Activity in Excitable Media
11:15-12:15 SESSION TWO
11:15-11:27 Giovanni Ghigliotti Red Blood Cell Migration and Spatial Organization Driven by Flow Line Curvature
11:27-11:39 Majid Hosseini Effect of Malaria Merozoites on the Deformability of Infected Red Blood Cells
11:39-11:51 Majid Ahmadlouydarab Interfacial Flows in Corrugated Microchannels: Flow Regimes, Transitions and Hysteresis
11:51-12:03 Eric DeGiuli Statistical Mechanics of Granular Media
12:03-12:15 David Simpson Balance by Time-Delayed ON/OFF Control
15:00-15:48 SESSION THREE
15:00-15:12 Michael Lindstrom Comparison of Fickian and Maxwell-Stefan Gas Diffusion Models in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells
15:12-15:24 Iain Moyles Influence of Disturbances and Temperature Profiles on Water-Saturated In Situ Oil Remediation
15:24-15:36 Ricardo Alves-Martins Thermoregulation and Metabolic Depression in Endoterms
15:36-15:48 Mark Willoughby High-Order Numerical Methods for the Allen-Cahn Equation
16:00-16:48 SESSION FOUR
16:00-16:12 Bernhard Konrad Stochastic-Model Predictions on the Emergence of Drug-Resistance Against Anti-Retroviral Treatments for HIV
16:12-16:24 Jessica Conway Stochastic Modeling of Early HIV Infection
16:24-16:36 Venu Kurella Analysis of Mean First Passage Time for Predator-Prey Distributions: An Asymptotic Approach
16:36-16:48 Ignacio Rozada Numerical Solution and Bifurcation Diagrams of PDEs Using AUTO
16:48-17:00 CLEANUP


 Our group outside Minnekhada Lodge

Our group outside Minnekhada Lodge


Presenters and Audience

Lunch break

Walk around Minnekhada Park

Outside the Lodge

Miscellaneous pictures