[Cancelled] Efficient Circuit-Based Quantum State Tomography via Sparse Entry Optimization

Chi-Kwong Li, College of William & Mary Mathematics, and University of Waterloo Institute for Quantum Computing
February 3, 2025 3:00 pm LSK 306

We propose an efficient circuit-based quantum state tomography (QST) scheme to reconstruct n -qubit states with k nonzero entries using measurements of |\psi⟩ and U₁|\psi⟩, …, U₂ₘ|\psi⟩, where m ≤ k . Each Uⱼ involves CNOT gates followed by a single-qubit gate, either Hadamard H or HD , where D = diag(1, i), targeting a specific qubit.

We provide an upper limit on the number of CNOT gates based on the nonzero entries’ positions in |\psi⟩ . This approach, applied to both state and process tomography, was tested using the Qiskit simulator.

This is joint work with Kevin Yipu Wu and Zherui Zhang, College of William & Mary.

Refreshments will be served preceding the talk, starting at 2:45.