An ODE to Statistics: Inference about Nonlinear Dynamics

IAM-PIMS Distinguished Colloquium
January 22, 2018 11:00 pm

Speaker:  Giles Hooker, Cornell Statistical Science and Biological Statistics & Computational Biology

URL for Speaker:

Location:  ESB 2012

Intended Audience:  Public

Ordinary differential equation models are used extensively within mathematics as descriptions of processes in the real world. However, they are rarely employed by statisticians and there is a paucity of methods for combining differential equation models with data. This talk provides a survey of recently developed statistical methods for estimating parameters from data, conducting model criticism and improvement for differential equation models in the light of data, and designing experiments that yield optimal estimates of parameters. It ends with some perspectives on the current state of the field and open problems.

Reception before the talk in ESB 4133 (the PIMS lounge)